Advent of Code 2021
Advent of Code is a series of coding challenges made every year, since 2015, by the talented Eric Wastle. He has other projects like which is a database of wormhole information from the video game EVE, and Vanilla JS which is a framework fr creating JavaScript applications.
This is the first year I’ve partaken in these coding challenges. All of my completed projects are listed below:
Day 1
import pandas as pd
advent_df = pd.read_csv('./Day1Advent.csv')
advent_df.columns = ['Depth']
advent_df['PreviousDepth'] = advent_df['Depth'].shift()
advent_df = advent_df.astype({ "Depth":'float',
advent_df['DepthChange'] = advent_df['Depth'] > advent_df['Depth'].shift()
advent_df['RollingSum'] = advent_df.Depth.rolling(3).sum()
advent_df['RollingSumChange'] = advent_df['RollingSum'] > advent_df['RollingSum'].shift()
print('Number of times Depth increases from previous measurement: ' + str(sum(advent_df['DepthChange'])))
print('Number of times the sum of measurements in a 3 measurement window increases: '+ str(sum(advent_df['RollingSumChange'])))
Number of times Depth increases from previous measurement: 1447
Number of times the sum of measurements in a 3 measurement window increases: 1471
Day 2
import pandas as pd
aim = 0
depth = 0
forward = 0
up = 0
down = 0
advent_df = pd.read_csv('./Day2Advent.csv')
advent_df = advent_df.astype({ "Course":'string'})
newdf = advent_df['Course'].str.split(" ", expand = True)
advent_df['Direction'] = newdf[0]
advent_df['Change'] = newdf[1]
advent_df.drop(columns = ['Course'], inplace = True)
advent_df = advent_df.astype({ "Change":'int'})
for lab, row in advent_df.iterrows() :
if row['Direction'] == 'down':
aim = aim + row['Change']
if row['Direction'] == 'up':
aim = aim - row['Change']
if row['Direction'] == 'forward':
depth = depth + row['Change'] * aim
forward = advent_df.loc[advent_df['Direction'] == 'forward', 'Change'].sum()
up = advent_df.loc[advent_df['Direction'] == 'up', 'Change'].sum()
down = advent_df.loc[advent_df['Direction'] == 'down', 'Change'].sum()
print('Old final position: ' + str(forward *(down - up)))
print('New final position: ' + str(forward * depth))
Old final position: 1882980
New final position: 1971232560
Day 3
import pandas as pd
advent_df = pd.read_csv('./Day3Advent.txt', dtype={'Numbers':str})
advent_df['FirstNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[0])
advent_df['SecondNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[1])
advent_df['ThirdNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[2])
advent_df['FourthNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[3])
advent_df['SixthNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[4])
advent_df['SeventhNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[5])
advent_df['EigthNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[6])
advent_df['NinthNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[7])
advent_df['TenthNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[8])
advent_df['EleventhNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[9])
advent_df['TwelfthNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[10])
advent_df['ThirteenthNum'] = pd.to_numeric(advent_df['Numbers'].str[11])
x = 1
gamma_binary = ""
epsilon_binary = ""
while x < len(advent_df.columns):
high = 0
low = 0
for lab, row in advent_df.iterrows():
if (row[x]) == 1:
high += 1
elif (row[x] == 0):
low += 1
if high > low:
gamma_binary += str(1)
epsilon_binary += str(0)
gamma_binary += str(0)
epsilon_binary += str(1)
x += 1
print(int(gamma_binary, 2) * int(epsilon_binary, 2))