This website will be a catalog of mostly personal work since 2015. Because nearly all of my professional work is confidential this website will serve as an outlet for various tools, software, techniques that I learn so I may demonstrate them.

I am not a software developer and have no prior experience working on websites which is why I went with a statically generated website using Jekyll. This allows me to quickly make changes to the website, as seen in the commit history of my github project, without requiring me to learn an entirely different language to build the website. This website is mostly comprised of style sheets, html, and the liquid template language.

Upcoming plans

I have various changes I would like to make such as adding navigation to the website and adding additional projects I’ve worked on. I would also like to change some of the formatting so on desktop the pages use more of the space on screen and there’s not as much whitespace on the sides. For now, this is my version 1.0 of the website and many changes will come in the future.

I would also like to showcase more of my “behind the scenes” work that I’ve been able to accomplish. For example, this website involves creating it on my computer, pushing my changes to github, connecting my repo to azure, setting up the static web app on azure, maintaining a custom domain on cloudflare, and configuring azure and cloudflare correctly with DNS and custom domain settings to point to my custom domain. Most of this would be lost by simply looking at the website, which is why I want to showcase all of the backend work that goes in to this project and many others.